Food waste champions coalition launched

New Zealand's food waste champions have formed a coalition to halve New Zealand's food waste by 2030. The Champions will be a leading voice in advocacy, strategy and education on food waste issues.

NZ Food Waste Champions 12.3 is co-chaired by Associate Professor Miranda Mirosa, Director of Food Waste Innovation Research Theme, and Deborah Manning, founder of KiwiHarvest.

This coalition of Champions from our food supply chain is committed to halving food waste by 2030 and achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 12.3.

There are currently 12 champions from organisations such as Countdown, Foodstuffs, Kaibosh, WasteMINZ and the Sustainable Business Network.

The NZ Food Waste Champions 12.3 initiative launched on 12 March 2020 and had over 80 attendees. The launch event was hosted by Chef Jacob Brown, with a keynote address by the Honorable Eugenie Sage.

More about the launch event (nzchampions123 website)

NZ Food Waste Champions from left to right: Matt Dagger, Tessa Vincent (Coodinator), Deborah Manning, Te Kawa Robb, Kate Porter, Susan Goodfellow, Assoc. Prof. Miranda Mirosa, Anna Yallop, Francesca Goodman-Smith, Jenny Marshall, Nick Loosely, James…

NZ Food Waste Champions from left to right: Matt Dagger, Tessa Vincent (Coodinator), Deborah Manning, Te Kawa Robb, Kate Porter, Susan Goodfellow, Assoc. Prof. Miranda Mirosa, Anna Yallop, Francesca Goodman-Smith, Jenny Marshall, Nick Loosely, James Griffin.


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