Upcycled Food Lab

Using surplus bread to brew beer in the lab at the University of Otago

What is Upcycled Food?

Upcycled food is a food category that breathes new life into waste or by-products, turning them into safe and delicious ‘upcycled’ food products. By doing so, we prevent edible food waste ending up in landfills, saving both money and valuable, reducing food waste’s impact on the planet, and fostering consumer awareness about food waste.

The upcycled food sector holds great promise as an avenue for food waste reduction. Food Waste Innovation’s Upcycled Food Lab is a resource provider for industry as well as researchers interested in upcycled food.

We bring together researchers at the University of Otago and industry partners to provide a range of services from research and consultancy to food product development.


Upcycled Food Lab Resources

The Upcycled Food Association is at the forefront of the upcycled food movement, contributing an official definition and certification standard.

We are a proud Associate Member of the Uplcycled Food Association.
