Report - A Toast to Sustainability

About this Resource:

  • Title: A Toast to Sustainability

  • Author: Ella Zwagerman

  • Type: Report

  • Publication Date: 2024


This report tells the story of the Dunedin Craft Distillers, the first distillery in Aotearoa and one of a rare few worldwide that seeks to transform surplus bread and bakery products otherwise destined for the depths of landfills into spirits. This project aimed to raise awareness of the environmental impact of food waste, specifically surplus bread, and call to action government officials, other distillers and consumers to inspire change through a collective effort. This project was completed by Consumer Food Science graduate Ella Zwagerman as part of her Master of Sustainable Business degree. 


Zwagerman, E. (2024). A Toast to Sustainability. Masters of Sustainability, University of Otago. [Report]

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