Journal Article - Critical success factors of food waste reduction

About this Resource:

  • Title: Critical success factors for food waste reduction

  • Authors: Margaret Thorsen, Trixie Croad, Tessa Vincent, Miranda Mirosa

  • Type: Journal Article

  • Journal: Cleaner Waste Systems

  • Date: December, 2022


This research aimed to identify the overarching critical success factors for food waste reduction practices across the food supply chain. Semi-structured interviews were held with 41 participants representing organizations from farm to fork in Aotearoa New Zealand. Eighteen critical success factors, grouped into five overarching themes, emerged: (1) communication and collaboration, (2) motivation and engagement, (3) robust data, (4) sustainable management systems, and (5) external influences.

Food Waste Innovation Authors:

  • Margaret Thorsen

  • Trixie Croad

  • Miranda Mirosa


Thorsen, M., Croad, T., Vincent, T., & Mirosa, M. (2022). Critical success factors for food waste reduction. Cleaner Waste Systems, 3, 100059.

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Impact Report - Food Waste Innovation 2022


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