Upcycling Surplus Products from Supermarkets: Will Consumers Accept?

Researcher: Felicity Prendergast, BSc Honours Project.

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Miranda Mirosa

My work aimed to investigate and profile consumers’ based on their perceptions of the novel concept of upcycling supermarket waste. This concept is where surplus foods and those reaching the end of their shelf-life are reformulated into new products. A New Zealand representative survey was completed by 1000 respondents. Collectively, results suggested a strong market potential for this novel food category if the products are formulated, priced, placed and promoted appropriately.


Participants that were ‘pro-upcycling’ tended to have high environmental tendencies, were risk tolerant and tended to be married with children. All in all, insights found will help inform producers of the best strategy and branding use to target the ‘Pro-upcycling’ consumer.


Upcycling Flaxseed Meal