Journal Article - He taonga te kai – an Aotearoa where food is valued not wasted

About this Resource:

  • Title: He taonga te kai – an Aotearoa where food is valued not wasted

  • Authors: Miranda Mirosa

  • Type: Journal Article

  • Journal: New Zealand Economic Papers

  • Date: March 16, 2023


This paper overviews what we know about food waste at each stage of the supply chain in Aotearoa. First, both an overview of quantities and drivers of waste is provided, before presenting key actions and recommendations for change. This paper makes a call to NZ's economic society for research demonstrating the business case for food waste reduction at national, regional, and business levels, to help spur investment in this crucial area.

Food Waste Innovation Authors:

  • Miranda Mirosa


Mirosa, M. (2023). He taonga te kai – an Aotearoa where food is valued not wasted. New Zealand Economic Papers, 1-6.

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