Creative Work - Food waste in aged care

About this Resource:

Title: Food Waste in Aged Care

Authors: Trixie Croad

Type: Visual Report

Date: 2023


This resource summarises findings from a research project commissioned by Arvida to understand how much and what food is wasted in their aged care villages and to identify the key drivers of food waste. Case studies were conducted at two aged care facilities. Two types of data were collected at each site: 3-day quantitative food waste audits and qualitative data from focus groups with staff and residents.

Food Waste Innovation Authors:

  • Trixie Croad


Croad, T. (2023). Food waste in aged care [Visual Report]. Arvida.

View the Visual Report:


Journal Article - He taonga te kai – an Aotearoa where food is valued not wasted


Impact Report - Food Waste Innovation 2022