Your 10c worth: Food waste reduction recipes
About this resource: “Your 10c Worth” was a campaign run by a group from the 2022 cohort of food science students during their FOSC400 Food Waste Module. The group was tasked with creating a campaign to celebrate Stop Wasting Food Day in April 2022. They came up with a collection of recipe cards which work in together to help reduce food waste but using the leftovers from one item in the recipe of the next. Feel free to download the recipe cards and try them for yourself.
Food Waste Innovation Authors: Lizzie Cunliffe, Molly Goodisson, Emma Roberts, Lance Aya, Shaina Ebron, and Emily Doughty.
Citation: Cunliffe, L., Goodisson, M., Ebron, S., Aya, L., Roberts, E., & Doughy, E. (2022, April 29). Your 10c Worth: Food Waste Reduction Recipes.
FOSC400 Food Waste Module students ready to give out their campaign packs to local food influencers.
“‘your 10c worth’ aimed to get people to do their 10 cents worth, for their wallet and the planet in some simple ways. Essentially, we [the FOSC400 group running it] reached out to some iconic Dunedin foodies, sending them a couple of dinners and getting them to promote it. We made sure that the recipes used everything, and the ingredients were ones that are often wasted. We also created a separate poster that had a bunch of facts and food storage tips that could be shared with the influencer’s followers. We used a pre-existing Instagram called @foodwasteflathacks which was created by last years’ students. This account has a bunch of epic resources on how to prevent food waste at home! through our campaign, the account gained 137 new followers, we had thousands of views, and got a bunch of DMs” - Molly Goodisson