Student Showcase Presentations

About this resource: This recording was part of Te Hui Taumata Moumou Kai o Aotearoa - NZ Food Waste Summit 2022 student showcase session. Students presented on their postgraduate projects. Presentations are listed below in order of appearance:

  • Molly Goodisson (University of Otago): Understanding the opportunities of Central Otago fruit waste with local processors.

  • Lizzie Cunliffe (University of Otago): Challenges and opportunities for manufacturing of upcycled foods.

  • Sian Menson (University of Otago): Brewery waste and opportunities to utilise brewing by-products.

  • Brian Thong (University of Otago): Potential use of upcycled bread flour in bread making

  • Emma Roberts, Shaina Ebron, Lance Aya (University of Otago): Biometric analysis of consumer reactions to upcycled food packaging/labelling.

  • Briar Mills (University of Otago): Food waste initiatives in tertiary institutes in Aotearoa.

  • Deepa Goswami (University of Waikato): Food waste education in schools.

  • Hayden Prenter (University of Otago): Effects of mindfulness on consumer food waste behaviour.

Citation: Goodisson, M., Cunliffe, L., Menson, S., Thong, B., Roberts, E., Aya, L., … Prenter, H. (2022, September 29). Student Showcase Presentations: Te Hui Taumata Moumou Kai o Aotearoa - NZ Food Waste Summit 2022. Food Waste Innovation, University of Otago.


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