Video - Tackling Food Waste Together: Actions and Innovations

About this Resource:

  • Title: Tackling Food Waste Together: Actions and Innovations

  • Panellists: Juliet Gerrard (Government), Chris Henderson (Government), Miranda Mirosa (Academic), Craig Bunt (Academic), Nicki Solomon (Industry), Hamish Conway (Industry), Deborah Manning (Non-profit), Kaitlin Dawson (Non-profit)

  • Publisher: Channel 39

  • Type: Video

  • Date: 2023


A video recording of a panel discussion, namely, Tackling Food Waste Together: Actions and Innovations, hosted by Food Waste Innovation and the New Zealand International Science Festival at the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology annual conference in Dunedin. This panel discussion brought together leaders from government, research, industry, and the non-profit sector to discuss how they address food waste and tangible actions for listeners to contribute. The underlying theme was collaboration, as it is evident that creating transformative change to our food system requires collaboration among various stakeholders, hence ‘tackling food waste together’.

Food Waste Innovation Contributors:

  • Miranda Mirosa

  • Craig Bunt


Gerrard, J., Hendersen, C., Mirosa, M., Bunt, C., Solomon, N., Conway, H., Manning, D., & Dawson, K. (2023). Tackling Food Waste Together: Actions and Innovations [Panel discussion]. NZIFST Annual Conference.

View the Video:


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