Journal Article - A critical review of on-farm food loss and waste

About this Resource:

  • Title: A critical review of on-farm food loss and waste: future research and policy recommendations

  • Authors: Jessica O’Connor, Sheila Skeaff, Phil Bremer, Gina Lucci, Miranda Mirosa

  • Type: Journal Article

  • Journal: Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

  • Date: May 19, 2023


On-farm food loss and waste are estimated to be 16% of the total agricultural-related greenhouse gas emissions globally, and reductions in these emissions can significantly impact climate change. This narrative review critically overviews the current research landscape on farm food loss and waste. The study has two objectives. Firstly, it provides a stock-take of on-farm food loss and waste definitions, quantification methods, causes and management options. Secondly, it gives researchers, policymakers and industry stakeholders recommendations on pursuing opportunities.

Food Waste Innovation Authors:

  • Jessica O’Connor

  • Sheila Skeaff

  • Phil Bremer

  • Miranda Mirosa


O’Connor J, Skeaff S, Bremer P, Lucci G, Mirosa M (2023). A critical review of on-farm food loss and waste: future research and policy recommendations. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 38, e24, 1–12.

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