Connection Hub
Our Connection Hub connects you to other organisations, campaigns and resources around the world that we have identified and may be useful when researching food waste. For Food Waste Innovation’s own resources, visit the Our Resources page.
If you have information about further connections you think should be added to this collection, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance
Aotearoa Food Rescue Alliance (AFRA) is the representative body for food rescue organisations around New Zealand. AFRA is supporting NZ food rescue organisations through advocacy work, by building capacity, supporting best practice, and by enabling collaboration.
Compost Collective
The Compost Collective is an educational non-profit organisation teaching New Zealanders about home composting. Based in Auckland, they run composting workshops and programmes and have a website full of great advice and toolkits on various options for home composting.
Love Food Hate Waste (NZ)
Based on the campaign of the same name run by WRAP in the UK, Love Food Hate Waste is an education campaign run by WasteMINZ. The campaign is aimed at New Zealand families to help them reduce their household food waste.
Ministry for the Environment
The Ministry for the Environment has taken up the work on behalf of the government to reduce food loss and waste in New Zealand. This page provides an overview of what The Ministry, as well as other government and non-government organisations in New Zealand, are doing in this space.
NZ Champions 12.3
New Zealand's Champions 12.3 are a coalition of representatives from across the food supply chain, championing Aotearoa's progress towards halving food waste by 2030. The coalition comprises executives from large retailers, small start-ups, food rescue charities, membership organisations and more.
NZ Parliament Environment Committee’s Investigation into Food Waste
This report is the result of a government investigation into food loss and waste in New Zealand. The report puts forth recommendations to the government for how best to address New Zealand’s food waste issue.
PMCSA Project on Food Waste
The Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor is investigating food rescue and food waste as its major project for 2022/2023. They will be publishing a series of reports pertaining to several focus areas throughout this time.
WasteMINZ is the largest representative body of the waste, resource recovery, and contaminated land management sectors in New Zealand. In 2013, WasteMINZ launched a national food waste prevention programme and has conducted much of the research on food waste in New Zealand to date.