Connection Hub
Our Connection Hub connects you to other organisations, campaigns and resources around the world that we have identified and may be useful when researching food waste. For Food Waste Innovation’s own resources, visit the Our Resources page.
If you have information about further connections you think should be added to this collection, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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FUSIONS, Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies, is a program funded by the European Commission which ran from 2012-2016. The programme partnered with 13 European countries to develop a shared vision and strategy to prevent food loss and waste across the supply chain through social innovation.
Love Food Hate Waste (NZ)
Based on the campaign of the same name run by WRAP in the UK, Love Food Hate Waste is an education campaign run by WasteMINZ. The campaign is aimed at New Zealand families to help them reduce their household food waste.
Love Food Hate Waste (UK)
Love Food Hate Waste is an education campaign run by WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Program) in the UK, aimed at consumers to help them reduce their household food waste. Their website provides resources for individuals to help reduce their food waste at home.
PMCSA Project on Food Waste
The Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor is investigating food rescue and food waste as its major project for 2022/2023. They will be publishing a series of reports pertaining to several focus areas throughout this time.
Save 1/3
Save 1/3 is a public awareness campaign run by the World Wildlife Fund. This campaign raises awareness about the 1/3 of all food produced that is wasted. The campaign focuses on the environmental impacts of this waste, particularly the impacts on climate change.
Stop Food Waste Day
As a global leader in food service, Compass Group US introduced Stop Food Waste Day in 2017 before going global in 2018. Their commitment stretches from working with suppliers, implementing sustainable practices in Compass Group’s operations and raising the public profile of the issue.
Save The Food
Save the Food is an education and awareness campaign based in the US advocating for reduction in food waste. The focus of the campaign is on reducing household food waste and their website provides dozens of resources for individuals to reduce their household food waste.