Our Resources
Discover a compilation of open-access resources authored or produced by Food Waste Innovation. Additionally, find a list at the bottom of this webpage of academic publications by our investigators, though not currently available through our resource centre.
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Creative Work - Food waste in aged care
This resource summarises research conducted to investigate food waste in aged care facilities.

A systematic review of food loss and waste in China: Quantity, impacts and mediators
This review provides a collation of 57 academic articles across disciplines and of both English and Chinese academic literature about FL&W in China.

Food waste reduction roadmap
The food waste reduction roadmap details the barriers and potential solutions to reducing food waste from farm to fork. The roadmap highlights data gaps, particularly in production, and the need for the Government to progress data collection through a food loss and waste baseline.

NZ Champions 12.3 panel discussion
This recording is an NZ Champions 12.3 panel discussion which took place at Food Waste Innovation’s launch event. The panel discusses food waste occurring at various stages along the New Zealand food supply chain.

A Taste for Consumption: Food Waste Generation in New Zealand Cafés and Restaurants
This research establishes baseline food waste data in cafés and restaurants, assesses where food waste occurs and explores staff perceptions of the potential impacts, motivators and barriers to food waste and food waste reduction strategies.

Consumers’ behaviours and attitudes toward doggy bags: Identifying barriers and benefits to promoting behaviour change
This study identifies the barriers and benefits of consumers' current doggy bag behaviors and provides the information required to run an effective community-based social marketing campaign encouraging consumers to take their uneaten restaurant and café food home.

An investigation into food waste produced in New Zealand restaurants and cafés
In 2017/2018, research was conducted on behalf of WasteMINZ into the food waste generated by restaurants and cafes in New Zealand.

Reducing waste of food left on plates: Interventions based on means-end chain analysis of customers in the foodservice sector
This research explores personal values which drive plate waste, or food left on plates of consumers, created in a residential foodservice settings.

Food waste in an airline caterer’s production kitchen
This study investigates the food waste in two centralised production kitchens of an in-flight service provider, focusing not only on how much food is being wasted but where is it being wasted and why.

Getting a Taste for Food Faste: A mixed-methods ethnographic study into hospital food waste
This thesis explores the drivers for hospital food waste before consumption and provides recommendations on food waste minimisation within food services.
More publications not publicly available:
The list below includes publications authored by Food Waste Innovation investigators that are do not have ‘open access’ meaning they are not available for the general public to view. If you are a University of Otago staff or student, or a staff or student of another research institution, you may be able to access these publications through your University’s library databases.
Published in 2022-2023:
Mirosa, M., Bremer, P. (2023). Understanding New Foods: Upcycling. In: Serventi, L. (eds) Sustainable Food Innovation . Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-12358-0_11
Thorsen M, Mirosa M, Skeaff S. A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Food Loss in Glasshouse-Grown Tomatoes. Horticulturae. 2022; 8(1):39. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8010039
Margaret Thorsen, Fiona Nyhof, Francesca Goodman-Smith, Jonathan Deutsch & Miranda Mirosa (2022) Accessing Supermarket Shelves: Retail Category Managers Advice to Upcycled Food Manufacturers, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 28:4, 179-192, DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2022.2072695
Thorsen, M., Skeaff, S., Goodman-Smith, F., Thong, B., Bremer, P., & Mirosa, M. (2022). Upcycled foods: A nudge toward nutrition [Perspective]. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.1071829
Clare, G., Bremer, P & Mirosa, M. 2022. The Impact of COVID-19 on Food Rescue Organisations in Aotearoa New Zealand and Recommendations for Ongoing Crisis Management. British Food Journal. IF: 3.47.
Published 2017-2021:
Böhner, N., Zareian, M., Tybussek, T., Silcock,P., Bremer, P., & Beauchamp, J. 2019. Interrelationship among myoglobin forms, lipid oxidation and protein carbonyls in minced pork packaged under modified atmosphere. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 20(2):
Zareian, M., Böhner, N. Loos,M. H., Silcock, P., Bremer, P. Buchamp, J. 2019. Evaluation of volatile organic compound release in modified atmosphere-packaged minced raw pork in relation to shelf-life. Food Packaging and Shelf Life,18:51-61.
Alahakoon, A.U., Oey, I., Bremer, P., Silcock, P. 2019. Quality and safety considerations of incorporating post-PEF ageing into the pulsed electric fields and sous vide processing chain. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-13.
Alothman, M., Lusk, K. A., Bremer, P. & Silcock P., 2018. Relationship between total microbial numbers, volatile organic compound composition, and the sensory characteristics of whole fresh chilled pasteurized milk, Food Packaging and Shelf Life,15, 69-7.
Buvé, C., Van Bedts, T., Haenen, A., Kebede, B., Braekers, R., Hendrickx, M., … Grauwet, T. (2018). Shelf-life dating of shelf-stable strawberry juice based on survival analysis of consumer acceptance information. Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture, 98(9), 3437-3445. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8856
Buvé, C., Neckebroeck, B., Haenen, A., Kebede, B., Hendrickx, M., Grauwet, T., & van Loey, A. (2018). Combining untargeted, targeted and sensory data to investigate the impact of storage on food volatiles: A case study on strawberry juice. Food Research International. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.07.022
Schuster, L., Franke, C., Silcock, P., Beauchamp, J. & Bremer, P. 2018. Development of a novel sample reuse approach to measure the impact of lean meat, bone and adipose tissue on the development of volatiles in vacuum-packed chilled lamb stored at 2°C for 15 days. Meat Science, 24(145):31-39.
Marshall, J., Wassilak, C., Mirosa, M., Mainvil, L., Chisnall, S., Jones, E. (2018). Food Waste in the Café and Restaurant Sector in NZ. Industry Report: http://www.wasteminz.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/New-Zealand-cafe-and-resturant-food-waste-WasteMINZ-2018.pdf
Althoman, M., Lusk, K. A., Silcock, P., Bremer, P. J. 2017. Comparing PTR-MS profile of milk inoculated with pure or mixed cultures of spoilage bacteria. Food Microbiology, 64:155-163. 3.579
Holland B., Akanbi T.O, Agyei D., Wang B., Barrow C.J. (2017). Bioprocessing of plant-derived bioactive phenolic compounds. Handbook of Food Bioengineering. Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu and Alina Maria Holban (Editors). Elsevier (UK)
Lee, P.Y., Kebede, B.T., Lusk, K., Mirosa, M., Oey, I. 2017. Investigating consumers' perception of apple juice as affected by novel and conventional processing technologies. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 52 (12), 2564-2571.
Mutsokoti, L., Panozzo, A., Tongonya, J., Kebede, B. T., Van Loey, A., & Hendrickx, M. (2017). Carotenoid stability and lipid oxidation during storage of low-fat carrot and tomato based systems. LWT, 80, 470-478. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2017.03.021
Campbell, H., Evans, D. and Murcott, A. (2017). Measurability, Austerity, Edibility: Introducing Waste to Food Regime Theory. Journal of Rural Studies. 51, 168-177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.01.017
Published prior to 2017:
Horne (2016), MDiet thesis – ‘Evaluating the practicability and utility of the Social Return on Investment tool in public health nutrition: A food redistribution case study, New Zealand’. Advisors: M Mirosa, L Mainvil. http://hdl.handle.net/10523/6310
Agyei D., Shanbhag B., and He L. (2015). Enzymes for food waste remediation and valorisation. Improving and tailoring enzymes for food quality and functionality. Yada R. (Ed.) Woodhead Publishing. pp. 123 – 145
Kebede, B. T., Grauwet, T., Palmers, S., Michiels, C., Hendrickx, M., & Van Loey, A. (2015). Investigating chemical changes during shelf-life of thermal and high-pressure high-temperature sterilised carrot purees: A ‘fingerprinting kinetics’ approach. Food Chemistry, 185, 119-126. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.02.134
Wibowo, S., Grauwet, T., Kebede, B. T., Hendrickx, M., & Van Loey, A. (2015). Study of chemical changes in pasteurised orange juice during shelf-life: A fingerprinting-kinetics evaluation of the volatile fraction. Food Research International, 75, 295-304. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2015.06.020
Kebede, B. T., Grauwet, T., Magpusao, J., Palmers, S., Michiels, C., Hendrickx, M., & Van Loey, A. (2015). An integrated fingerprinting and kinetic approach to accelerated shelf-life testing of chemical changes in thermally treated carrot puree. Food Chemistry, 179, 94-102. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.01.074
Mirosa, M. (2015). Household Food Waste Kitchen Diary Analysis for the Wider Wellington Region. Project report prepared for the Upper Hutt City Council, targeted at Wellington Regional Council Officers (Confidential report).
Evans, D., Campbell, H. and Murcott, A. (eds.) (2015) Waste Matters: New Perspectives on Food and Society. Sociological Review Monographs (Book 60): Wiley Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12307
Silcock, P., Alothman, M., Zardin, E., Heenan, S., Siefarth, C., Bremer, P. J. and Beauchamp, J. 2014. Microbially-induced changes in the volatile constituents of fresh chilled pasteurised milk during storage. Food Packaging and Shelf-life. 2:81-90.
Beauchamp, J., Zardin, E., Silcock, P., & Bremer, P. J. 2014. Monitoring photooxidation-induced dynamic changes in the volatile composition of extended shelf-life bovine milk by PTR-MS. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2014, 49(9), 952-8.
Reynolds, D. & Mirosa, M. (2014). A Load of Rubbish: Quantifying Food Waste in New Zealand. Project report prepared for WasteMINZ, the representative body of the waste and resource recovery sector in New Zealand (Confidential report).
Verachia, W., Niven and Bremer, P. 2012. The effect of postharvest handling and processing on sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus) gonad quality. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 47:2545-2553. (IF 1.223).
Phillips, K., Bremer, P*., Silcock, P. , Hamid, N., Delahunty, C., Barker, M. and Kissick, J. 2009. Effect of gender, diet and storage time on the physical properties and sensory quality of sea urchin (Evechinus chloroticus) gonads. Aquaculture 288:205–215.