Accessing Supermarket Shelves: Retail Category Managers Advice to Upcycled Food Manufacturers

Summary Chart

Summary Chart

About this resource: This research provides recommendations to ‘upcycled food’ manufacturers and suppliers that will help improve engagement with retail category managers. These, in turn, will hopefully increase the uptake of ‘upcycled food’ by retailers, thus supporting the growing upcycled food industry. View resource kit created for industry HERE

Food Waste Innovation Author(s): Margaret Thorsen, Fiona Nyhof, Francesca Goodman-Smith, Miranda Mirosa

Citation: Margaret Thorsen, Fiona Nyhof, Francesca Goodman-Smith, Jonathan Deutsch & Miranda Mirosa (2022) Accessing Supermarket Shelves: Retail Category Managers Advice to Upcycled Food Manufacturers, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 28:4, 179-192, DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2022.2072695


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