NZ Champions 12.3 panel discussion

Champions and steering group.jpg

About this resource: In October 2020, NZ Champions of 12.3 held a panel discussion about food waste in New Zealand from ‘farm to fork’ at the University of Otago. In this recording, each 'Champion' describes their involvement in the food waste space, followed by a Q&A session.

Champions part of this discussion (in order of appearance) include:
Susan Goodfellow, Leftfield Innovation (17:30 mins)
Anna Yallop, Bioresource Processing Alliance (20:40 mins)
Matt Dagger, Kaibosh Food Rescue (23:20 mins)
Deborah Manning, KiwiHarvest & NZ Food Network (25:50 mins)
Francesca Goodman-Smith, Foodstuffs NZ (31:00 mins)
Te Kawa Robb, Para Kore (34:00 mins)
Nick Loosely, Everybody Eats (38:10 mins)
Jenny Marshall, WasteMINZ/Love Food Hate Waste (41:20 mins)
Andrew Fisher, EcoStock/EgoGas (46:15 mins)

Citation: Championing food waste: official launch event of Food Waste Innovation. (2020, October). Food Waste Innovation.


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