Food Waste and Climate Change

Designing Information Resources Linking Food Waste to Climate Change for University Students.

Supervisors: Professor Hugh Campbell, Sociology and Gender Studies Program. Ray O’Brien, Head of Sustainability. Associate Professor Miranda Mirosa, Department of Food Science.

Researchers: Finn Campbell and Lydia Le Gros, both members of Generation Zero youth-led climate action organisation.

Project Description: Develop information resources for students linking food waste outcomes with climate change. The external group collaborating on the project is Generation Zero – a climate change activist organisation that has a significant proportion of its membership in Dunedin drawn from University of Otago students. The project will be based at the Sustainability Office. The Project will involve a literature review and evaluation of existing resources in this space followed by the development of a resource for Otago University students. This resource could involve written, visual, or audiovisual aspects. This resource will then be promoted to University of Otago students and Generation Zero target audiences and evaluated for effectiveness.

Future intentions/benefits of research:

  • Continue to elaborate information resources around food waste that will be useful to University stakeholders and the wider community of Dunedin.

  • Create a resource for inclusion in future Orientation Materials for students.

  • Create potential for future website modules to be built up at the University.

  • Scope out the potential for science communication research/postgraduate projects in food waste.



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